KC FilmFest International

Feature Narrative

Feature Narrative Black Emperor of Broadway, Directed by Arthur Egeli Feature Narrative Loving Relationship, Directed by W. Dave Keith, Annie Walsh, Rachael Jane, Haley Chaffin, Allison Flom
Feature Narrative Talking to God, Directed by Maya Batash
Feature Narrative The Last Days of Capitalism, Directed by Adam Mervis
Feature Narrative UNTIMELY,  Directed by Pouya Eshtehardi
Feature Narrative WRETCH, Directed by Matthew Dunehoo

Feature Documentary

Feature Documentary A Home Called Nebraska, Directed by Beth Gage, George Gage
Feature Documentary Documentary Life in Synchro, Directed by Angela Pinaglia
Feature Documentary Making Sweet Tea, Directed by John L. Jackson, Jr. & Nora Gross
Feature Documentary Microplastic Madness, Directed by Atsuko Quirk, Debby Lee Cohen
Feature Documentary Singing Our Way to Freedom, Directed by Paul Espinosa
Feature Documentary The Lafayette Escadrille — The American Volunteers Who Flew for France in World War 1, Directed by Darroch Greer, Paul Glenshaw
Feature Documentary Theremin Fever, Directed by Cressandra Thibodeaux
Feature Documentary Witness At Tornillo, Directed by Shane Franklin

Narrative Shorts

Narrative Short ¡Come! (eat), Directed by Lizette Barrera
Narrative Short Affection of a Tiger, Directed by  Khalid Abdulqaadir
Narrative Short Anacronte, Directed by Raúl Koler, Emiliano Sette
Narrative Short Applebaum, Directed by Edward Loupe
Narrative Short Barista, Directed by L. Tanner Smith
Narrative Short Beer & Cigarettes, Directed by Vic Dominguez
Narrative Short Broken Trail, Directed byDavis DeRock, Karen Elizabeth
Narrative Short Compassionate Release, Directed by Lynn Dow
Narrative Short Dear Johnny Reb, Directed by Philip H Scarborough Jr.
Narrative Short Ek Cup Chaha (One Cup Tea), Directed by Sumit Yempalle
Narrative Short Falling Down in Public, Directed by Allison Radomski
Narrative Short Floor 22, Directed by Connor Simpson
Narrative Short Garbage Directed, by Marc Eikelenboom
Narrative Short Gary Got Involved!, Directed by Lonny Ross
Narrative Short Going Steady, Directed by Brydie O’Connor
Narrative Short Helter Shelter, Directed by Jeremy Osbern
Narrative Short Her Name Was No One, Directed by Sean George
Narrative Short In Sync, Directed by Eddie Shieh
Narrative Short In The Blood, Directed byRegina Banali
Narrative Short Killing Irma, Directed bySarah Clark
Narrative Short Life After Death Directed by Noah Glenn
Narrative Short Mason and Jay Save The World! Directed by John Woosley
Narrative Short Masterpiece Directed by Eden Martinez
Narrative Short McLean Avenue Short Film (TV Pilot) Directed by Dalmar James, Jr.
Narrative Short Mildred’s Crime Show Directed by Joshua Leonard
Narrative Short Mr. Marvelous Directed by Evan Falbaum
Narrative Short My Dinner With Werner Directed by Maverick Moore
Narrative Short No More Darkness, No More Light Directed by Anthony Gilmore
Narrative Short Overnight Directed by Thomas Mendolia
Narrative Short PAY PHONE Directed by Yurugu Matsumoto
Narrative Short Rock On, Dude! Directed by Frank Appache
Narrative Short Rolling In The Deep Directed by Marcellus Cox
Narrative Short Safe States Directed by Anthony Ladesich
Narrative Short Shadegrown Directed by Knik Woods
Narrative Short Swimmers Directed by Chris Ross
Narrative Short Tehachapi Directed by Drew Marquardt
Narrative Short The Computer Lab: Escape Velocity Directed by Mark von Schlemmer
Narrative Short The Green Motel Directed by Jeanine Fiser
Narrative Short The Library Directed by Josiah Crandall
Narrative Short The Rain Poncho Directed by Andrea Rosen
Narrative Short THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Directed by Lisa Gold
Narrative Short Waters of March Directed by Chase Johnson
Narrative Short We Need to Talk Directed by Grace Patenaude, Bart Patenaude
Narrative Short Welfare Check Directed by Rani Deighe Crowe

Documentary Shorts

Documentary Short $360.00 Directed by Matt Swing
Documentary Short A New Deal for Public Art in the Free State Directed by Graham Carroll
Documentary Short A Short Conversation with Christian Zehnder Directed by Kriss Avery
Documentary Short Ashes to Ashes Directed by Taylor Rees, Renan Ozturk
Documentary Short Bananas Girl Directed by Shayna Connelly
Documentary Short Betye Saar: Taking Care of Business Directed by Christine Turner
Documentary Short Cherokee Bigfoot Directed by Zach Litwack, Jeremy Charles
Documentary Short Combined Directed by Mark Honer
Documentary Short Dave Hartley: The Offseason Directed by Chris Blunk
Documentary Short Fast & Left – A Flat Track Film Directed by Evan H. Senn
Documentary Short Overlooked Directed by Oliver J Hughes
Documentary Short Pendulum Directed by Lane Mathis
Documentary Short Sex + Ice Cream Directed by Melissa Lane
Documentary Short The Neighborhood Directed by Quentin Lareau
Documentary Short WE ALL HAVE WINGS Directed by THE UNKNOWN ™
Documentary Short We Were Hardly More Than Children Directed by Cecelia Condit
Documentary Short Wilbur Niewald Directed by Elizabeth Stehling, Steve Snell

Heartland Student Shorts

Heartland Student Short Driving Louise Directed by Isaac Knopf
Heartland Student Short My Sappho Directed by Mahryn Rose
Heartland Student Short Never Mind Directed by Brennan Colahan
Heartland Student Short Popcorn Directed by James Slaven
Heartland Student Short Potluck Directed by Olivia Squires, Jared Goudsmit
Heartland Student Short Royal Crest Lanes Directed by Jack Schlotfeld
Heartland Student Short Thanks For The Ride Directed by Jacob McCabe
Heartland Student Short The Battle of Billy Joe Directed by Natalie LaTurno
Heartland Student Short The Colombian Directed by Jackson Montemayor, Paola Prada
Heartland Student Short Toy Truck Directed by James Hess
Heartland Student Short Wildflower Directed by Emily Harris